Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Ten on Ten: January 2012

Regular Beauty on a Tuesday....
 Cuddling with his favorite thumb and blanket

 Mountain of Laundry means we have enough clothing (well, after it's folded!)

 Health in a Glass

 Gift of time to start a sewing project- happy kids played with legos in the same room

 Naptime, ha ha

 Off to the store instead- Baby Girl (2 1/2 yrs. old) actually fell asleep in the cart

 Beautiful Big Pine Tree in the Sunshine

 Cheeks full of juiciness- his request from the store, how could I say no?

 Warm enough to swing and play outdoors- 50 degrees in January near Chicago!?

Low in Processed Sugar Apple Pies in the Apple- delicious! (I used stevia instead of sugar in the filling)

I hope you enjoyed this glimpse into my day.  I'd love to see yours!

ten on ten button

1 comment:

  1. Hi!
    Great snapshots! Love the shopping car picture. So adorable! Have a great day!

    Food for Thought
